love it or hate it that's life. sometimes good sometimes sucks. there is a light in the dark, darkness in the light. without hope we can't live. hope is like the candle that lights our dark way of life. so keep holding on your hope. no matter what life has taken from you, someday it is going to give you back
man and woman
once there was a wise man sitting with a group of men discussing the theme of marriage. someone said the woman is like a shoes the man can change pairs until he finds the perfect fit. everyone looks at him with surprise and the asked the wise man what he thinks. he said that's true !the woman is like a shoe to who sees himself a foot and a crown to who sees himself a king. so don't blame the guy just know how he sees himself. كان أحد الحكماء جالساً مع مجموعة من الرجال، فطرح بعضهم موضوع الزواج والنساء، فقال أحدهم : المرأة كالحذاء.. يستطيع الرجل أن أن يغير ويبدل ويغير ويبدل حتى يجد المقاس المناسب له !! فنظر الحاضرون إلى ذلك الحكيم وسألوه: ما رأيك بهذا الكلام ؟؟ فقال: ما يقوله الأخ صحيح تماما، فالمرأة كالحذاء في نظر من يرى نفسه قَدَماً، وهي كالتاج في نظر من يرى نفسه ملكا، فلا تلوموا المتحدث، بل اعرفوا كيف ينظر إلى نفسه .
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