A bless in disguise

DO YOU BELIEVE IN FATE?! In life we face different situations. Sometimes an event that seems to be going badly turns out well after all. Some events are described by “a bless in disguise”. The man doesn’t know what is better for him. God always makes what is best for him. We shouldn’t stand against fate. We should capitalize the situation we are in, not just stand still regretting our destiny. Many inventions happen by chance. Sometimes the experiment goes wrong but leads to amazing discovery. There is a situation that has happened to me which; seems to be going badly but, turns out well after all. I was travelling to USA to attend an important meeting with the headquarter manager of our company. It was my first time to meet him. That was a meeting that I can’t miss because it may determine my future. Although I was well prepared to travel, I packed my bags the day before but I forgot one thing is to s...