Face your fear
We create our own demons and let our fear
control us while we can conquer the impossible. Be brave and face your fear. We
should learn to love ourselves more because we deserve to live. God has blessed
us with so many merits that we should use. Anyone has potentials to create the
impossible if just he believes that he is gifted and he isn’t less than anybody
else because we are all equal. If you believe in yourself you will explore new
levels of your potentials. The human mind can make miracles. Life is like a
long marathon, only those who enjoy patience and perseverance can win. We
should never give up on the first obstacle in our road. Life is not Win it all,
or lose it all. Sometimes you’re a winner other times you’re not. I believe
that there is no gain without pain. You wouldn't know the sweet taste of
success until you know the bitter taste of failure. You wouldn’t have achieved success without
trying. Some people have this fear of trying new things. But without those
brave who conquered that fear, we wouldn’t have enjoyed all the new inventions
and there wouldn’t be the new discoveries that we know now. Without Amerigo
Vespucci there would be no America the most dominant country nowadays. Luck is
God’s gift to those who have worked hard and never gave up.
Your life won’t stop because you got fired
from a job or you got divorced. Some people get very upset about it and can’t
move on. If you don’t get over the difficulties and move on, you won’t enjoy
the beauty of life, love and forgiveness. Don’t get too sad and worried about
anything, nothing worth it. Think about
it what you are going to lose if you make yourself happy. I can’t deny that everyone
has problems in life .we all face obstacles in our life but we must overcome
those problems to continue our life. Everyone has his ways to solve problems
.my way to solve problems is to think calmly and deeply about the problem and
what are my options. Of course no one wants to get into troubles however you
may came across many troubles in your life, therefore
you should always be ready to face troubles and solve them. You should always have plan B .in addition you shall stay
away from trouble makers. I believe in the saying "don't trouble
trouble until trouble troubles you "you should avoid problems in the first place so you won't
have to face the consequences.
My way to solve problems is to think
sensibly with no rush and to balance things and choose my best option. I think
this way is working for me very well. I don't like to make problems out of
unimportant thing. Forgive and forget this is the golden rule that i follow in
my life. But when I say forget I mean to learn a lesson from that. If you think
too much about problems you will create more problems. If you deal with
problems reasonably you will have peace of mind. Many people give small problems
more value than they deserve. Never give up there is no problem without
solution. If you can't find solution on your own you can ask a friend or a
relative for help and expect that you won’t always take their advice. Sometimes
they will get upset that you didn’t follow their advice but don’t worry they
will forgive you. You should choose the best solution to you from your
perspective not theirs. You have to accept the fact that life isn't always fair
but you shall continue your life. Be brave when you face a problem and don't
hesitate .you should learn from the past, enjoy the present and plan for
future. You can solve any problem when you determine to solve it. In addition
the human's mind can come up with solutions that are very great. Some times you
can turn the problem to something good for you as they say “a bless in disguise”.
I think the best way to solve problems is to be prepared and always have planB
but don't worry too much. And try as you can to get away from problems, don’t
be the one who creates them.
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